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Many thanks to the members of our community who have contributed to this list, particularly Line Grenier and Véronique Leduc through their work on the Deaf Musics Research Project

Abrams, Lori. E. 1998. “Shirley Childress Johnson, the Mother of Songs Sung in ASL.” Views. 15(5): 26. 


Albright, Ann Cooper. 2001. “Strategic Abilities: Negotiating the Disabled Body in Dance.” In Moving                 

     History/Dancing Cultures: A Dance History Reader, ed. Dils and Albright, 56-66. Middletown, Conn:

     Wesleyan University Press.


Anders, Charlie Jane. 2012. “Why Do We Want Autistic Kids to Have Superpowers?.” iO9.      (accessed on January 26, 2012).


Armstrong, David F. 1999. Original Signs: Gesture, Sign, and the Sources of Language. Washington, D.C.:

     Gallaudet University Press.


_____. 2011. Show of Hands: A Natural History of Sign Language. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.


Armstrong, Thomas. 2010. Neurodiversity: Discovering the Extraordinary Gifts of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia,

     and Other Brain Differences. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Lifelong.


Bailey, Janet. L. 1998. "Performing Arts Interpreting: It’s Not Just For Us Hams.” Views. 15(5): 1, 16-17.


_____. 1998b. “Specialist Certificate: Performing Arts, an RID History Lesson." Views. 15(5): 14.


Bakan, Michael, B.. 2009. “Measuring Happiness in the Twenty-First Century." Ethnomusicology. 53(3): 510-518.


_____. 2014. “Neurodiversity and the Ethnomusicology of Autism.” College Music Symposium 54         



_____. 2015a. “Being Applied in the Ethnomusicology of Autism.” In The Oxford Handbook of Applied

     Ethnomusicology, ed. Pettan and Titon, 278-316. New York: Oxford University Press.


_____. 2015b. “‘Don’t Go Changing to Try and Please Me’: Combating Essentialism through Ethnography in the

     Ethnomusicology of Autism.” Ethnomusicology 59(1): 116-144.


_____. 2015c. “Toward an Ethnographic Model of Disability in the Ethnomusicology of Autism.” In The Oxford

     Handbook of Music and Disability Studies, ed. Howe et al., 15-36. New York: Oxford University Press.


_____. 2018. Speaking for Ourselves: Conversations on Life, Music, and Autism. New York: Oxford University  



Bakan, Michael, B., et a.l.. 2008.“Following Frank: Response-Ability and the Co-Creation of Culture in a

     Medical Ethnomusicology Program for Children on the Autism Spectrum.” Ethnomusicology 52(2): 163-202.


_____. 2008. “Saying Something Else: Improvisation and Music-Play Facilitation in a Medical Ethnomusicology

     Program for Children on the Autism Spectrum.” College Music Symposium 48: 1-30.


Barokka (Okka), Khairani. "Deaf-Accessibility for Spoonies: Lessons from Touring 'Eve and Mary Are Having

     Coffee' While Chronically Ill." Research in Drama Education, 22, no 3 (2017), pp. 387-92.


Ballard, Betsy Ann. 1982. “Theatrical Interpreting: State of the Art.” Journal of Interpreting. 1(2): 47-54.


Bauman, H-Dirksen L. 1997. “Beyond Speech and Writing: Recognizing American Sign Language Literature in

     the MLA.”  Profession. 168-179.


_____. ed. 2008. Open Your Eyes Deaf Studies Talking. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.


Baynton, Douglas C. 1996. Forbidden Signs: American Culture and the Campaign against Sign Language.

     Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Begue, Jason "JB" and Cripps, Janis E. 2018. "The Artwork of Videoediting in Signed Music." Journal of American

     Sign Languages and Literatures.


Best, Katelyn. 2015. That’s so Def: Redefining Music Through Dip Hop, the Deaf Hip Hop Movement in the

     United States. Ph.D. diss., Florida State University.


_____. 2015/2016. “‘We Still Have a Dream:’ The Deaf Hip Hop Movement and the Struggle Against the Socio-          Cultural Marginalization of Deaf People.” Lied und Populäre Kultur/Song and Popular Culture 60/61: 61-86.


_____. 2018. "Musical Belonging in a Hearing-Centric Society: Adapting and Contesting Dominant Cultural

     Norms through Deaf Hip Hop." Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures.


Berger, Dorita S. 2002. Music Therapy, Sensory Integration and the Autistic Child. London: Jessica Kingsley



Berson, Jessica. 2005. “Performing Deaf Identity: Toward a Continuum of Deaf Performance.” In Bodies in

     Commotion: Disability and Performance, ed. Sandhal and Auslaner, 42-55. Ann Arbor: University of

     Michigan Press.


Blackman, Myisha. J. and Antonio Goodwin. 2004. “Theoretical Approach: Religious Interpreting as

     Performance.” Views. 21(11): 1, 26-28.


Bradford, Shannon. 2005. “The National Theater of the Deaf: Artistic Freedom and Cultural Responsibility in

     the Use of American Sign Language.” in Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Performance, ed. Sandhal and

     Auslaner, 86-94. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


Branson, Jan and Don Miller. 2002. Damned for their Difference: The Cultural Construction of  Deaf People as

     Disabled. Washington D.C.: Gaulledet University Press.


Bragg, Lois. 2001. Deaf World: A Historical Reader and Primary Sourcebook. New York: New York University



Breivik, Jan-Kare. 2005. Deaf Identities in the Making; Local Lives, Transnational Connections. Washington:

     Gallaudet University Press.


Buchholz, Noah. 2018. "Seeing Music? An Inquiry into the Place of Music in Deaf Culture." Journal of American Sign

     Languages and Literatures.


Cain, Celia. 2010. “Of Pain, Passing and Longing for Music.” Disability & Society 25(6): 747-751.


Campbell, Kevin. 1998. “Performing Arts Interpreting.” Views. 15(5): 19.


Carrico, Alexandria H. 2015. “Constructing a Two-Way Street: An Argument for Interdisciplinary Collaboration

     through an Ethnomusicological Examination of Music Therapy, Medical Ethnomusicology, and Williams

     Syndrome.” Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy 15(3).


Christensen, Kathee. 2000. Deaf Plus: A Multicultural Perspective. San Diego: Dawn Sign Press.


Churchill, Warren N. 2015. "Deaf and hard-of-hearing musicians: Crafting a narrative strategy." Research

     Studies in Music Education 37, no. 1: 21-36.


Cole, Joyce and Marijo Wimbush and Donna Reiter Brandwein. 1998. “Doin’ a Vanna or One Focus Thrown is

     Worth a Thousand Signs.” Views. 15(5): 18.


Cohen, Leah Hager. 1994. Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World. New York: Vintage Books.


Corker, Mairian, and Sally French. 1999. Disability Discourse. Buckingham: Open University Press.


Cripps, Jody H. 2018. "Ethnomusicology." Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures.


Cripps, Jody H, Ely Rosenblum, Anita Small, and Samuel J Supalla. "A Case Study on Signed Music: The

     Emergence of an Inter-Performance Art." Liminalities, 13, no 2 (2017), pp. 1-25


Darrow, Alice-Ann and Diane Loomis. 1999. “Music and Deaf Culture: Images from the Media and Their

     Interpretation by Deaf and Hearing Students.” Journal of Music Therapy 36(2): 88-109.


Davis, Lennard J. 2002. Bending Over Backwards: Disability, Dismodernism and Other Difficult Positions. New

     York, NY: New York University Press.


_____. 2013. The Disability Studies Reader. New York, NY: Routledge.


_____. 1995. Enforcing Normalcy: Disability, Deafness, and the Body. London: Verso.


Dick, Lauren, Hannah Ehrenberg, Paul Shim and Julia Silvestri. 2018. "Universal Design for Music: Exploring

     the Intersection of Deaf Education and Music Education." Journal of American Sign Languages and



Dillman, Krista. M. 2003. “‘To Be or Not To Be,’ a Performing Arts Interpreter.” Views. 20(6) 1, 7.


Dritsakis, Giorgos, Rachel M van Besouw, Pádraig Kitterick, and Carl A Verschuur. "A Music-Related Quality of

     Life Measure to Guide Music Rehabilitation for Adult Cochlear Implant Users." American Journal of

     Audiology (Online), 26, no 3 (September 2017), pp. 268-82.


Dunn, Renca. 2018. "Deaf People and the Role of Music in Churches." Journal of American Sign Languages and



Dyels, Vino. 1998. “Concert Interpreting: Your Back Stage Pass.” Views. 15(5): 15, 17.


Edwards, R.A.R. 2012. Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture.

     New York: New York University Press.


Farnell, Brenda M. 1995. Do You See What I Mean?: Plains Indian Sign Talk and the Embodiment of Action.

     Austin: University of Texas Press.


Ferro, Shaunacy. 2014. “Urban Design Can Change The Lives Of People With Autism.” Fast Company, May 7,

     2014. Accessed on August 15, 2014.            lives-of-people-with-autismpartner=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=



Gallaudet University. “What is DeafSpace?” Accessed on August 15, 2014.


Garland-Thomas, Rosemarie. 1997. Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Disability in American Culture and

     Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.


_____. 1996. Freakery: Cultural Spectacles of the Extraordinary Body. New York: New York University Press.


_____. 2009. Staring: How We Look. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Gebron, Julie. 2000. Sign the Speech: An Introduction to Theatrical Interpreting. Butte Publications.


Gerberg, Miriam. 2007. “Falling on Deaf Ears: Musical Meaning and Experience in the American Deaf

     Community.” Manuscript/unpublished, 1-34.


Goffman, Erving. 1956. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, Social

     Sciences Research Centre.


_____. 1963. Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.


Grandin, Temple. 2006. Thinking in Pictures: And Other Reports From My Life with Autism. New York:

     Vintage Books.


Gregory, Susan, and Gillian M. Hartley. 1991. Constructing Deafness. London: Pinter in association with the

     Open University.


Haggerty, Luane Davis. 2006. “Off the Page and Onto Our Hands: Thoughts and Suggestions from Backstage.”

     Views. 23(8): 1, 46, 54.


Haynes, Emily and Kaitlyn Meilke. 2010. “Performing Arts Interpreting.” Views. 27(2): 42-45.


“How to Rap with Your Hands.” 2013. Interview with Holly Maniatty by Sean Cole. The Story. American Public

     Media, June 28, 2013. Accessed on April 22, 2014.

     hands. Transcript of interview,



Holmes, Jessica A. "Expert Listening beyond the Limits of Hearing: Music and Deafness." Journal of the

     American Musicological Society, 70, no 1 (2017), pp. 171.


Howe, Blake, Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, Neil Lerner, and Joseph Straus (eds). 2015. The Oxford Handbook of

     Music and Disability Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.


Hutto, Leah. 2003. “Interpreting Shakespearean Theatre.” Views. 20(6): 10-11.


Invisible Disabilities Association, “What is an Invisible Disability?.”

     is-an-invisible-disability/ (accessed on April 6, 2012).


Jepsen, Kathryn. 2013. “For Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Joy of Live Music.” New York Times, March 2, 2013.

     Accessed on April 22, 2014.



Johnson, Shirley Childress. 1993. “The Power of Sign.” in We Who Believe in Freedom: Sweet Honey in the Rock

     – Still on the Journey, ed. by Bernice Johnson Reagon, 275-283.


Jones, Jeannette. 2012. “A Day in Eyeth.” OUPblog. Oxford University Press. Accessed on August 15, 2014.


_____. 2013. “Guest Post by Jeannette Di Bernardo Jones: ‘Encountering Deaf Spaces in Washington.’” Music

     and Disability at the SMT and AMS. Accessed on August 15, 2014.



Kinsman, Kat. 2013. “Strutting Their Stuff for Limb Loss Awareness.” CNN, April 27, 2013. Accessed on August

     15, 2014.


LaCava, Carol and Julie Walker. 1998. “Shadow Interpreting in the Volunteer State.” Views. 15(5): 22-23.


Ladd, Paddy. 1998. “Light the Song with Sense and Color: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Signing Songs.” Views.

     15(5): 27-29.


_____.2003. Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.


Lerner, Neil William and Joseph Nathan Straus. 2006. Sounding Off: Theorizing Disability in Music. New York:



Lim, Stephanie. "At the Intersection of Deaf and Asian American Performativity in Los Angeles: Deaf West

     Theatre’s and East West Players’ Adaptations of Pippin." Studies in Musical Theatre, 11, no 1 (2017), pp. 23-37.


Linton, Simi. 1998. Claiming Disability Knowledge and Identity. New York: New York University Press.


Listman, Jason, Summer Loeffler, and Rosa Lee Timm. 2018. "Deaf Musicality and Unearthing the Translation

     Process." Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures.


Lubet, Alex. 2011. Music, Disability, and Society. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.


Lucas, Ceil 2006. Multilingualism and Sign Languages: from the Great Plains to Australia. Washington, D.C.:

     Gallaudet University Press.


MacCash, Doug. 2014. “Sign Language Masters Interpret the Music at the New Orleans Jazz Fest.”,

     April 30, 2014. Accessed on August 15, 2014.         


MacDougall, Diana E. 2012. “Gendered Discourse and ASL – to – English Interpreting: A Poststructuralist

     Approach to Gendered Discourse and the ASL-to-English Interpretive Process.” Journal of Interpreting.



Maler, Anabel. 2013. “Songs for Hands: Analyzing Interactions of Sign Language and Music.” MTO. 19(1): 4.


Marrero, Elyse. 2012. “Performing Neurodiversity: Musical Accommodation by and for an Adolescent with

     Autism.” Master’s Thesis (Ethnomusicology), Florida State University


Mathur, Gaurav, and Donna Jo Napoli. 2011. Deaf Around the World: The Impact of Language. New York:

     Oxford University Press.


McKee, Rachel and Jeffrey Davis. 2010. Interpreting in Multilingual, Multicultural Contexts. Washington, D.C.:

     Gallaudet University Press.


McKenzie, Sheena. 2013. “Snake Arms and Crystal Legs: Artificial Limbs Push Boundaries of Art.” CNN. April

     25, 2013. Accessed on August 15, 2014.         



McIlroy, Guy and Claudine Storbeck. 2011. “Development of Deaf Identity: An Ethnographic Study.” Journal of

     Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 16(4): 494-511.


Metzger, Melanie. 1999. Sign Language Interpreting: Deconstructing the Myth of Neutrality. Washington, D.C.:

     Gallaudet University Press.


Metzger, Melanie and Earl Fleetwood. 2005. Attitudes, Innuendo, and Regulators: Challenges of Interpretation.

     Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.


_____. 2007. Translation, Sociolinguistic, and Consumer Issues in Interpreting. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet

     University Press.


Miller, Teresa M. 2001. “The New Age of Theatrical Interpreting.” Views. 18(6): 1, 9.


Mindess, Anna. 2006. Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign Language 

     Interpreters. Boston, MA: Intercultural Press.


Mitchell, David T., and Sharon L. Snyder. 1997. The Body and Physical Difference: Discourses of Disability. Ann

     Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


_____. 2001. Narrative Prosthesis Disability and the Dependencies of Discourse. Ann Arbor: University of

     Michigan Press.


Moisala, Pirkko, Taru Leppänen, Milla Tiainen, and Hanna Väätäinen (eds). 2017. Musical Encounters with

     Deleuze and Guattari. New York and London: Bloomsbury Publishing.


Moody, Bill. 2012. “What is Faithful Interpretation?” Journal of Interpretation. 21(1): 37-51.


Monaghan, Leila Frances, Schmaling, Constanze, Nakamura, Karen, and Turner, Graham  H. (eds). 2003. Many

     Ways to be Deaf: International Variation in Deaf Communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University



Mumm, Timothy. 2001. “Interpreting for Theatre: A Whole Experience.” Views. 18(6): 10-11.


Muphy, Kelly. 2012. “Warning: Explicit Content! A Case for Profanity Education and a Collection of Strategies

     used by Sign Language Interpreters” Journal of Interpretation. 19(1): 1-34.


Nicodemus, Brenda. 2009. Prosodic Markers and Utterance Boundaries in American Sign Language

     Interpretation. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.


Padden, Carol A. 2005. “Talking Culture: Deaf People and Disability Studies.” PMLA. 120(2): 508-513.


Padden, Carol, and Tom Humphries. 1988. Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard

     University Press.


_____. 2005. Inside Deaf Culture. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.


_____. 2006. “Deaf People: A Different Center.” In Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Performance. Ed. Davis,

     331-338. New York: Routledge.


Penn, Candace Broecker. 1998. “The Challenge of Theatrical Interpreting.” Views: 15(5): 12-13. 


Pettan, Svanibor and Jeff Todd Titon (eds). 2015. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. New York:

     Oxford University Press.


Peters, Cynthia. 2000. Deaf American Literature: From Carnival to the Canon. Washington, D.C. Gallaudet

     University Press.


Peterson, Rico. 1998. “Performing Arts Interpretation, From Shakespeare to Shamu: Confessions of a

     Theatrician.” Views: 15(5): 10-11.


Pettan, Svanibor and Jeff Todd Titon (eds). 2015. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. New York:

     Oxford University Press.


Pirone, John S. 2018. "Does Music Have a Place in ASL Pedagogy?" Journal of American Sign Languages and



Potterveld, Tara. 1998. “The Craft of Performance Interpreting.” Views. 15(5): 24-25.


Prevor, Beth. 1998. “Interpreting for the Theatre: Behind the Scenes.” Views. 15(5): 20-21.


Reagan, Timothy. 1995. “A Sociocultural Understanding of Deafness: American Sign Language and the Culture

     of Deaf People.” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 19(2): 231-251.


Rocks, Siobhán. 2011. “The Theatre Sign Language Interpreter and the Competing Visual Narrative: The

     Translation and Interpretation of Theatrical Texts to British Sign Language.” in Staging and Performing

     Translation: Text and Theatre Practice, eds. Baines, Marinetti, and Perteghella, 72-86. New York: Palgrave    



Robinson, Octavian. 2018. "Deafening Music: Transcending Sound in Musicking." Journal of American Sign

     Languages and Literatures.


Rolfes, Ellen. “Lost in Interpretation.” PBS Newshour, December 17, 2013. Accessed on August 15, 2014.


Rose, M. Lynn. 2006. “Deaf and Dumb in Ancient Greece.” In Bodies in Commotion: Disability and

     Performance, ed. Davis, 17-31. New York: Routledge.


Rutherford, Susan D. 1983. “Funny in Deaf. Not in Hearing.” The Journal of American Folklore. 96(381): 310-322.


_____. 1988. “The Culture of American Deaf People.” Sign Language Studies. 59: 129-147.


Sacks, Oliver. 1989. Seeing Voices. Los Angeles: University of California Press.


_____. 2007. Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. New York: Vintage Books.


Sandahl, Carrie and Philip Auslander. 2005. Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Performance. Ann Arbor:

     University of Michigan Press.


Schechner, Richard. 1985. Between Theater & Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.


Schmitt, Pierre. "Representations of Sign Language, Deaf People, and Interpreters in the Arts and the Media."

     Sign Language Studies, 18, no 1 (2017), pp. 130-47.


Schrag, Brian and Kathleen J. Van Buren. 2018. Make Arts for a Better Life: A Guide for Working with

     Communities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Schwartzberg, Lauren. 2014. “How One Deaf Man and Two Pals with Cerebral Palsy Got Down at Bonnaroo.”

     Noisey, June 24, 2014. Accessed on August 15, 2014.

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Shakespeare, Tom. 2006. Disability Rights and Wrongs. London: Routledge.


Siebers, Tobin. 2010. Disability Aesthetics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.        


_____. 2008. Disability Theory. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


Silberman, Steve. 2001. “The Geek Syndrome.” Wired. (accessed on October 11, 2011).


_____. 2003. “The Key to Genius” Wired. (accessed

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_____. 2010. “Exclusive: First Autistic Presidential Appointee Speaks Out.” Wired.        (accessed on October 11, 2011).


_____. 2015. Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think

     Differently. New York : Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House.


Senghas, Richard J. and Leila Monaghan. 2002. “Signs of Their Times: Deaf Communities and the Culture of

     Language.” Annual Review of Anthropology. 31: 69-97.


Small, Anita. "Introduction to NGT Performing Arts in the Netherlands through the Work of Poet Wim

     Emmerik." Sign Language Studies, 17, no 4 (2017), pp. 481-514.


Snyder, Sharon L., and David T. Mitchell. 2006. Cultural Locations of Disability. Chicago: University of Chicago



Sparrow, Robert. 2005. “Defending Deaf Culture: The Case of Cochlear Implants.” Journal of Political

     Philosophy 13(2): 135-52.


Stewart, David A. and C. Tane Akamatsu. 1988. “The Coming of Age of American Sign Language.” Anthropology

     & Education Quarterly. 19(3): 235-252.


Stinson, Liz. 2013. “The Radical Challenge of Building a Dorm for the Deaf.” Wired, August 26, 2013. Accessed on

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Straus, Joseph. 2006. “Normalizing the Abnormal: Disability in Music and Music Theory.” Journal of the

     American Musicological Society. 59(1): 113-184.


_____. 2008. “Disability and "Late Style" in Music.” Journal of Musicology. 25(1): 3-45.


_____. 2011. Extraordinary Measures: Disability in Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Sutherland, Elaine. 1985. “Music to Their Eyes: Song-to-Sign Interpreting at the Hudson Clearwater Festival.”

     Sign Language Studies. 49: 363-373.


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Taylor, Lynnette and Stephanie Feyne. 1998. “Interpreting for Theatre.” Views. 15(5): 7.


Thomas, Cameron. 2006. “Alan Champion Takes a Bow: Bringing Broadway to the Deaf.” Views. 23(8): 10-12, 33.


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Vega, Reynaldo J. 2001. “A Deaf Perspective on Artistic Interpreting.” Views. 18(6): 8.


Wallace, Kathleen. 2006. “The Hand That Rocks: Excerpts From the Diary of a Concert Interpreter.” Views.

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Wood, Elizabeth. 2009. “On Deafness and Musical Creativity: The Case of Ethel Smyth.” Musical Quarterly 92

     (1-2): 33-69.


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