"...without diversity of culture, language, and different ways of seeing the world, we would never have learned what we now know about the different ways that humans live."
-Carol Padden and Tom Humphries from Inside Deaf Culture
Welcome to the SEM Disability and Deaf Studies (DDS) website. This site was created as an extension of the SEM Disability and Deaf Studies Special Interest Group in order to provide news regarding this organization and serve as a source on musical scholarship and activity within the fields of Disability and Deaf studies. This site seeks to create a forum in which to promote further discourse within this area of research. If you are interested in contributing to this site, please contact DDStudiesSEM@gmail.com

Interest and Involvement
In 2015, the Society for Ethnomusicology agreed to support the founding of a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for Disability and Deaf Studies. The first meeting occurred Friday, December 4 2015 at the Society for Ethnomusicology annual conference in Austin, TX. If interested in further involvement you may sign up to be included in the mailing list by contacting DDStudiesSEM@gmail.com and/or joining the facebook group “SEM Disability and Deaf Studies SIG.”